Lettuce Talk Nutrition helps you piece together the puzzle that is your long-term health plan!
My name is Gemma and I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist based in Melbourne, Australia. I am the founder of ‘Lettuce Talk Nutrition.’
I have come across countless conversations among women, with friends, family and clients who have been on the rollercoaster of getting on and off fad diets. The most consistent problem I see is that the diets they try are not the right fit for them…They may be overly restrictive, forbid favourite foods or ‘ban’ foods which are essential to health.
This is complicated further when it comes to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis and Fertility with SO much conflicting information about which approach is best. You may have heard “Go gluten free” “Go keto” “Dairy is evil” “Processed foods are a big no no” “Try this supplement” and so on… No wonder we are confused and overwhelmed!
Our Why
This is where Lettuce Talk Nutrition comes in. I help you fight through the ‘fad diet forest’ to find the approach that works for you and can be sustained… because PCOS and managing your endometriosis is a long-term game ladies!
I like to think of your nutrition journey with Lettuce Talk Nutrition as putting together your own unique puzzle. It requires a number of pieces (nutrition, stress management, movement, sleep and other health factors), a bit of trial and error to see which pieces fit together and then you are left with your complete puzzle (your long-term health plan) which works just for you!
If you are eager to learn more, book in for a free discovery call today or take a look at our PCOS, endometriosis and fertility and pregnancy nutrition services!