• What does a Dietitian do?

    Dietitian’s are university trained allied health professionals who are experts in nutrition! We provide tailored dietary advice based on your individual history, needs and preferences to assist in managing health conditions, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis, Dietitian’s also support people in optimising their food intake in order to prevent health conditions from occurring and to improve their overall health and wellbeing!

  • What should I expect from a dietetic apppointment?

    Here at Lettuce Talk Nutrition we are non-judgmental and are here to help and support you!

    Your initial appointment will be a great chance for Lettuce Talk Nutrition to get to know you, your goals, medical history, typical food intake, food preferences, lifestyle factors, measurements and other relevant information. Lettuce Talk Nutrition will help you identify some realistic goals and then work with you to devise a plan to help you get there. Review consultations will help us refine your plan, support you through the changes and ultimately assist you in achieving your goals! We are your personal nutrition cheerleader and support person!

  • Will I need to give up my favourite foods?

    No! Lettuce Talk Nutrition loves to focus on what we can ADD in to enhance your diet. We always consider food preferences. There is room for all food in our diets, however, we may just need to modify the frequency to support your goals.

  • Where are you located?

    Lettuce Talk Nutrition has both an online clinic and face-to-face clinic.

    In Person Consultations: For those based in Melbourne, Australia, Lettuce Talk Nutrition offers appointments through Elgin House, located in Carlton.

    Online Consultations: For those who wish to attend virtually or are located outside of Melbourne, you can attend sessions from the comfort of your own home, while you are away or even during your lunch break! All you need is access to a computer with a camera.

  • Is a Dietitian the same as a Nutritionist?

    No. All Dietitians are Nutritionists, however, a Nutritionist without a qualification in dietetics, cannot refer to themselves as a Dietitian. Dietitian’s require additional study and qualifications to call themselves a Dietitian.

    As a profession, Dietetics is regulated and if you see an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD aka me!), they are required to complete ongoing training and education. In other words, we stay up to date with the latest research to make sure we give you the best advice possible! APD’s also have to abide by a code of conduct, which holds us accountable to ensuring we are only communicating evidenced-based information.

    Nutritionists on the other hand are not a regulated profession and are only qualified to provide general healthy eating advice. This means they may have limited qualifications and do not have a governing body to hold them accountable if they are spreading misinformation.

    To learn more, head to the Dietitian’s Association of Australia website.

  • Do I need a referral?

    No. You do not require a referral if you are paying upfront or claiming back through private health insurance.

    Medicare does not cover the full cost of your consultation, however, if you wish to claim a Medicare Rebate, you must get a Chronic Disease Management Plan through your local GP. Your eligibility may vary, so this needs to be discussed with your local doctor. You may be eligible for up to 5 allied health appointments per year. The rebate is ~$60 and you will be required to pay the remainder of the cost of the consultation out of pocket.

  • How can I claim a Medicare rebate?

    You require a Chronic Disease Management Plan referral to be completed by your local GP. Your eligibility may vary, so this needs to be discussed with your local doctor. You may be eligible for up to 5 allied health appointments per year, however, Medicare does not cover the full cost of the consultation. The rebate is ~$60 and you will be required to pay the remainder of the cost of the consultation out of pocket.

    You will be required to pay the upfront cost of your consultation following your session and Lettuce Talk Nutrition will process your rebate of ~$60 online. This will then be debited into the bank account associated with your Medicare account.

  • Does my private health insurance cover the cost?

    You will need to enquire with your private health provider to determine if you are eligible for dietetic claims. You will be required to pay the upfront cost of your consultation following your session. You will then need to follow the process set out by your private health provider to claim back (if you are eligible) the cost associated with your consultation.

    Note: you cannot claim private health rebates in the same session you have claimed a Medicare rebate.

  • How often should I see a Dietitian?

    This really depends on you and your individual circumstances. We see the best results with more frequent appointments initially, particularly if you are newly diagnosed or have been struggling to manage your PCOS, endometriosis or other health condition(s.)

    If you have any concerns regarding your frequency of appointments, please contact us.

  • Do you only see clients with women's health conditions?

    No, we also support clients with a range of health conditions including IBS, type 2 diabetes, heart-conditions and more.

  • Are your coaching packages refundable?

    No, these are non-refundable, unless at the discretion of the dietitian.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    Please find our cancellation policy here.

  • Where can I access your privacy policy?

    Follow the link to view our privacy policy.

  • Do you see clients worldwide?

    We see clients in Australia and Internationally.

    Unfortunately due to insurance restrictions, we do not see clients based in the USA and Canada.

Other Questions?

Lettuce Talk Nutrition is happy to help! Please get in touch by following the link to our contact form.